Wednesday, October 10, 2012

so i've been married now for 8 years...

and that's quite a while, considering i'm only 27. some have been good, some have been bad, but i've loved them all.
hubs and i returned last night from a few days away in cooperstown and the surrounding area. i've got to say that every time i go away to central ny, there's a chance i won't come back. because i don't want to. i want to stay in some beautiful farm field or sleepy little town and just forget about the world. if hubs didn't work for the state (which has this silly little rule that you actually have to live in the state where you work), we would have moved up there already.
our trip was like magic. we did so much, but we didn't really do much at all. the scenery was gorgeous, since it's peak leaf season there right now and the colors were amazing. we hiked mt. wellington on lake otsego at glimmerglass state park. we took a walk on the oldest covered bridge in the country. we took in a baseball game at doubleday field, the birthplace of baseball. we went out to lunch and dinner everyday. we took long walks around the village. we stopped at wineries and general stores and cider mills and diners. we took our time driving and stopped in little town to explore. when we got breakfast at the bakery on the last day (yesterday, our actual anniversary), we sat at a cute little park where lake otsego runs into the susquehanna river. hubs told me to grab his ham and cheese croissant out of the bag, and when i reached in there was a little box with gorgeous diamond studs inside! how romantic my man is after such a long time! we usually don't do presents, but i thought that was so cute...he said he took them everywhere we went all weekend, looking for the perfect time to give them to me!
in honor of my husband and our anniversary, i want to share a link with you:
grooms blown away by their beautiful brides. some of the faces and reactions are priceless. hubs said that when i walked down the aisle, it felt like slow motion (like i was on a people mover going the wrong direction is what he really said) and he was worried i'd never get there. i'm so glad i did!

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