Sunday, February 3, 2013

It's Superbowl Sunday and I'm...

watching the Walking Dead season 1 marathon on AMC and dreaming of hot wings. I don't do football. I understand the social aspect, and I get the whole fried food and beer and camaraderie thing, I'm just not into it. Baseball is truly the only sport for me.
Instead, hubs and I dropped Stenni at the grandparents' house and took a nice winter hike with the pup and my new lomo oktomat (i know, right?). It was a nice change from running/training all the time, and I miss winter hikes, which are much more difficult to plan with a toddler but are totally snake-free even if they are a little chilly. Even though I beefed it hard on a giant patch of ice, it was awesome. When I get my lomo photos back, I'll have to share.
Sorry for the semi-extended absence...I've got no reason for it, except that so much was going on in the real world that I honestly didn't spend much internet time for a while. Nothing specific, but I've been a little scatterbrained. Stenni was sick at the beginning of the week, and we did little else but watch Mary Poppins and cuddle. I had big plans for last week, but I'll parlay them into a plan for February (hint: get psyched).
I'm pretty excited for February. It's hubs and I's dating-versary (we got together 12 years ago, for reals) and V-Day, obvs. I've got a ladies night party in there too which I'm really psyched about.

So y'all, enjoy your foozball. I'll be dreaming of zombies.
'Til we meet again,

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